Tuesday, 28 November 2017


      1. Level 1
The level is basically an introductory level, it has no real difficulties or specialties, it’s goal is to let the player learn about how to move and jump and discover about the unique mechanic of the game by uses his dead bodies to jump over the large pit of spikes and complete the level.
      1. Level 2
The second level introduces a second kind of clone: the bouncing clone. So it’s designed such that you have to use this new clone to reach the end of the level. This level also introduces two new kind of obstacles: the big spike and the wrecking ball
      1. Level 3

The third level is designed to make the player learn about how the explosive clone works and the different blocks that can be blow up

Monday, 20 November 2017

Week 3

Week 3

This week has been a pretty big one.

I have implemented the 2 first levels of our game (designed by one of my teammate).

For that i have used java, box2d and libgdx because with this solution it's very easy to adapt the game for android.

I have beginned by creating block after block but i quickly realized that it's would be smarter to create functions for doing a whole line/column of block

For now we don't have a large variety of blocks, one sort for the wall/ground and for the obstacles i have implemented different sort of spikes and a first try of a wrecking ball. And we only have 2 kind of clones: the normal one and the bouncing one

I have decided to surround the levels with invisible spikes so the clones cannot exit the windows. I thought that maybe it would be a little frustrating but it's pretty fun

The bouncing clone is a bit of a problem because for now the bouncing part is static when he dies and we wish to make it affected by gravity, but if we do so he bounces everywhere.

Sunday, 12 November 2017



Here are some videos that my teammates advised me:

- It's about the level design of the first level (warning strong language):

-It's a tutorial about box2D the physical engine that we will use:

Saturday, 11 November 2017

Second week

Second week

The USP (unique selling point) of our game is that usually the death is the thing that you want to avoid at all cost. But in our game dying is a good thing, is it even the main tool to finish the levels!

But if the death is not a punishment what is the punishment in our game? I think that we don't really have a punishment, but we are thinking about implementing stars such that you will have different grades based on the time or the number of clones you used

Friday, 3 November 2017

First week

First week

Our final idea isn't the strategic space game anymore. The final project is a puzzle game.
The main idea is that when the hero dies, his body remains on the ground and a clone of the hero respawns at the beginning of the level. The particularity of our game is that you have to use your previous body in order to solve the level. You can choose different type of clone (exploding one, freezing one).

My work is to find the different types of clone that could be interesting and to think a bit about the levels

The clones

  • The basic : no special charateristic, can fill holes
  • The explosive: click on his body to make it explode. Can destroy some walls/project things
  • The freezing: when he dies his body turn in a new platform, for example on top on spike
  • The bouncing: when he dies his body turn into a trampoline. When you pass on it you have no choices but to jump
  • The magnet: his body attract you
  • The streching: when he dies his body extends into a longer platform
  • The portal: when two of this kind are dead, when you walk on the first body, teleport you on the second body. The main utility is checkpoints.
  • The IEM: click on it to turn off some devices during a limited time
  • The rocket: when he dies he dashes forward and explodes after a while. He can destroy things as well as clones
  • The warp: when he dies, he creates a slow area, where everything goes slower in it. No real advantages but more a help if you are stuck
  • The tank: He's body is taller and he needs two hits to die but he goes slower and his jumps are shorter. 

The difficulties

  • Hole (different size): can be fill with corps
  • Lava: if a body touches the lava, it is disintegrate
  • Spikes (on the floor or on the ceilling): if a freezing clone dies on it it's ok otherwise the body will fell
  • Button: if a corps lies on it, it will activate it
  • Control panel: can be disabled during a short laps of time by the IEM
  • Laser: disintegrate the corps if it touches it, can be disabled by the IEM
  • Turret or arrow laucher
  • Breakable wall
  • Fan
  • Moving platform